Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Three Miss Margarets by Louise Schaffer ✔✔

I don't know how I heard about this, and I was likely more intrigued by the title than anything.  It was  pretty quick read, and I skimmed over a lot.  It's hard to decide whether she was trying to emulate really good Southern writers like Anne Rivers Siddons, Fannie Flagg, or Kathryn Strockett, but no matter - it didn't work.  I grow tired of characters who (a) have a drinking problem because of some deep dark past (b) had rotten parents, or (c) fell in love with the wrong person.  And that about sums up many of the characters in this book.  'Nuff said - there's another book I want to get started on.

Seems a while since I read a REALLY good one!

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