Monday, November 21, 2011

Through The Glass by Shannon Moroney ✔✔✔✔

This is a true story, and an amazing one. Shannon was married for one month when a knock came to her hotel door where she was attending a conference for school guidance counsellors in Toronto. A policeman informed her that her husband Jason, who was back home in Peterborough, had been arrested for forcibly confining and raping two women in the basement of the video store where he worked.

Her life just absolutely fell apart with this news, and over the next three years, she recounts the crimes in more detail, her husband's criminal history - which she did know about, incidentally, when she married him - how she herself was treated because of his actions, dealing with the justice system, visiting her husband in prison ( she visited him regularly, although they could only communicate through a glass - hence the title) his attempts at rehabilitation, how her family was affected, how Jason was loved and valued by Shannon and her family - of course they loathed his crimes, and knew he had to be punished for them but they still loved the man. We also learn about his difficult childhood which was a large part of his problems as an adult.

I read this very quickly - it was hard to put down.

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