Sunday, November 7, 2010

Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult.✔✔✔

Willow is a five-year-old who was born with a brittle bone disease, and over her lifetime she will experience hundreds of broken bones. Her mother, Charlotte, is pursuing a wrongful birth suit against her obstetrician- who is also her best friend - in hopes of gaining the financial means to take care of her daughter. Willow's Dad, Sean, and her older sister, Amelia, suffer too, not only as a result of Willow's disease, but also Charlotte's unwavering pursuit of the best she can get for Willow, even though she has to say she would have aborted the fetus if she'd known. There's lots of questions of ethics and morality, the trials of parenting an ill child, trying to preserve a marriage in the midst of all this, plus a law case - and lawyers who have their own problems to deal with. A quick read, but enjoyable. This is about the fifth of Picoult's books that I've read.

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