Friday, October 22, 2010

Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue.✔✔✔✔✔

"Today I'm five." The reader already knows the significance of this first sentence of Room because we already know from the title and the book jacket that Room is Jack's home - the only thing he's known in his life. He lives there with Ma, for whom Room is a prison. This is a most unusual book, because the narrator is Jack, so everything is seen from the child's aspect, a situation which becomes more intense when Jack and Ma leave Room.

I really don't want to say anything more about this book - it just has to be read. I read it in less than three days, and didn't want it to end.

Emma Donoghue is from Ireland, now living in London, Ontario. This book was short-listed for the Man Booker Prize this fall. I will remember this book for a very long time!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I read this last weekend on my camping trip to Presqu'ile. It was so captivating to gradually figure out how and why the two were in 'room' and what that was like from Jack's perspective. Great summer weekend read!