Sunday, January 17, 2010

Broken For You by Stephanie Kallos.✔✔✔

Broken For You is all about a collection of porcelain- a very special collection, as we find out almost immediately:

" While the woman sleeps and dreams of all that breaks, come into this house of many rooms. Once your eyes adjust to the darkness, beginning to take in what is visible, you may notice a silence that is not quite silent. There is another language being spoken here, a tongue that emanates from white clay, fire, the oils of many skins, the fusion of rent spirits and matter".....

Margaret, at age 75, lives alone in a 15,000sq.ft. mansion, with only this massive collection of antiques for company. After being diagnosed with a brain tumor, Margaret decides to take in a boarder, Wanda Schulz, and eventually a few more boarders are accepted, all of whom form a kind of surrogate family, and all of whom become involved with this collection of antiques. The significance of the antiques only becomes clear as the novel progresses, and along the way we ponder the connection between these pieces and the occupants of the house.

The writing reminds me of Anne Tyler, whose books I have read for many years. I especially liked the happy ending !

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