Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Landing Gear by Kate Pullinger. ****

A woman named Harriet is pushing her grocery cart towards her car in the supermarket parking lot near Heathrow airport when a man falls out of the sky onto the hood of her car. The man- a Pakistani named Yacub- is unhurt, rolls off the hood, and Harriet takes him home, and hides him. His appearance is the catalyst for change in the household of Harriet, her husband Michael, and their teenaged son Jack.

Secrets are broken and kept, connections are made, and there are some coincidences as well. 
Facebook has a role in this story as well, and opens a discussion of how social media affects our day to day living.

I liked this book because it was a quick, entertaining read. I enjoyed the glimpse of a modern family, the connections throughout the book,, the stresses of living a regular kind of life .

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