Wednesday, March 4, 2015

All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews ****

This book,was chosen for our Book Club this year, and I read part of it last June, but I put it down less than half- way through. I was busy that month preparing for my solo recital, and I just couldn't understand how a woman with such talent as a concert pianist was doing everything she could to kill herself. So,I tried again this month and found it much easier to read, although still difficult to understand Elf's compulsion to kill herself. I found myself agreeing with all the arguments against it, how the nurses in the hospital virtually washed their hands of her.  I could find little more than selfishness in Elf, and could at least understand the continuing despair of those who loved her. And as I read on, I didn't experience any change of mind. 

It should be a good discussion at Book Club in April. I re-read this in April for Book Club. I understand more Elf's situation- her depression, and the inability of her family to save her. I saw also the relationship between the two sisters, although I never did understand the scene where Elf said she had to be perfect for her father. It was a good discussion.

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