Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Paris by Edward Rutherfurd ****

The first "long" book that I've read in a while, this came in at over  800 pages, but it held my interest for all that time. I liked this male author because he doesn't get carried away with background information that goes on for pages. He did go back and forth in time, from the 13 th century right through to post WWII, but he made everything work so smoothly that I didn't have to struggle too much to keep the various families straight, and telling this from the point of view of the people of Paris, rather than the big names like Louis XVI, Napoleon, Marie Antoinette. 
There was lots of interesting stuff, from building the Eiffel Tower to the artistic communities of the 20s, the confinement of the Jews in Paris, plus the fact that the men who signed up for WWII went to the lines in taxis- the only way to get them there quickly!
A good read, and even- dare I say it- a good ending!. 

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