Wednesday, February 12, 2014

C.S.Lewis: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet by Alistair McGrath

"Mere Christianity" by Lewis was, I think, the book which solidified and confirmed the faith I was living at that time; I was 17 when I read it. Then there's The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, a children's book I read when I was teaching Language Arts.
I don't much enjoy fiction these days, and I find my concentration wandering, so I thought this would be interesting, and it was. I enjoy books about intelligent, academic people, and he was certainly that.
The movie Shadowlands was about his marriage late in life, and his wife died not long after they married. the biographer draws her as someone who was after some security for herself and her children after her marriage to a man being investigated in the US during the McCarthy era. Lewis didn't have a lot of money, but with his literary celebrity status, she managed to wangle herself into his life.

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