Saturday, November 2, 2013

A House In The Sky by Amanda Lindhout ✔✔✔✔✔

From the book jacket: "The dramatic and redemptive memoir of a woman whose curiosity led her to the world's most beautiful and remote places, its most interesting and perilous countries, and then into fifteen months of harrowing captivity - an exquisitely written story of courage, resilience, and grace"

This was a very powerful story, and I couldn't put it down.  The last fifteen or so pages I was in tears most of the time, even as I marvelled at how she ever survived with her mind and heart intact. As intense as the brutality and abuse were, however, I was overwhelmed by how she could ever come to feel the compassion that she did, and how seemingly naturally she would reassert herself and find another path to her deep sense of self.

For example, and I quote from page 294:  "On days when I was really sturggling, when I felt the pressure in my mind moving again toward a snapping point, a voice -( meaning her soul) posed questions.  It said: In this exact moment, are you okay?  The answer, in that exact moment, was steadying:Yes, right now I am still okay.

An amazing story, beautifully written, inspiring, and unforgettable.

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