Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Master Butcher's Singing Club by Louise Erdrich ✔✔✔✔✔

I own this book, and read it some years ago on recommendation by Sylvia Kennedy, and it is on my list of all-time favorites.  Somewhere along the way, I lost track of it, and could never find it in bookstores, so when I spotted it on Kindle lists, I downloaded it - just had to read it again!

For our trip down to Florida, I had downloaded Fall of Giants by Ken Follett - I started reading Sandra's copy last spring and just couldn't get into it, and thought I'd give it another try - only got about 50 pages further this time, yawning all the time... So I switched to Master Butcher's for the remainder of the trip and soon lost myself again in the wonderful story of family, loss, grief, friendship in a small town in North Dakota in the early thirites. And Erdrich, who is native herself, is a wonderful story teller and uses such beautiful language - I found myself re-reading passages just for the sheer beauty of her writing.  She is also able to write love scenes with such tenderness and understatement that your heart just aches for these people. I also re-read the ending - there is a surprise connection in this story which is revealed with such sensitivity at the end.  Don't miss reading this book!!

I love - love- love - this book - now I'm on the list to read her latest - The Round House.

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