Saturday, November 17, 2012

Illuminations by Mary Sharratt ✔✔✔✔

This is  historical fiction subtitled "A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen", a mystic of the twelfth century whom I have always admired.  On a trip down the Rhine, the abbey at Rupertsburg, which is mentioned in this novel, was pointed out to us.  Von Bingen was also an accomplished musician, and I have a CD of her works - they are beautiful, as is a collection of her writings, which I used to have - I often think I lose more books than I actually have!

Anyway, this was a really good read, very informative, and I read it in less than three days - I honestly could not put it down.  I never knew she had been an anchorite from the age of 8 until she was 38 years old - entirely against her wishes as well - her mother basically sold her to an aristocratic family to be a companion to their daughter who had had a traumatic experience and wanted to renounce the world.

Her music is so beautiful, so flowing and joyful, that I was surprised to learn how, even after she was released from her cell, she was reviled by others in the church - well, not really surprised, because we know how women were and still are - treated by the Catholic Church.

I hadn't heard of this author before either, but I was glad to find this was such a good read.  I absolutely despise historical novels which are a little too cute - or romantic - this was quite realistic.

She indeed was "a feather on the breath of God".

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