Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Death Comes To Pemberley by P.D. James✔✔

I've only read a couple of P.D. James' books, but I downloaded this one because I'm a fan of Pride and Prejudice, and this one is a sort of sequel to it. James is now 92 years old!

This one involves all the people who were in the Austen novel and has Wickham, the reprobate who took off with Lydia, accused in a murder. The first chapter, which basically sums up the plot line of P&P, was done very well, using the language and style of Jane Austen, but it did move very slowly throughout. Then there's a close to 20 page explanation and discovery to end the book, and you feel nothing but compassion for poor old Wickham, who was unjustly accused and spent months in prison while all these people who reveal their own involvement at the end could have exonerated him long before.

I think James was late for dinner and just wanted to tie things up quickly. Or maybe she forgot what she'd already written??
I don't know, but I think she should retire from writing - just dictate it and let someone else write it!

Jane wouldn't be happy, I'm afraid, and she certainly deserves better!

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