Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In The Land of Believers by Gina Welch ✔✔✔✔

I don't even remember how I found out about this, but when I read about it, I downloaded it immediately. Gina is a young woman who decides she wants to write about evangelical Christians by "embedding" herself in one of their churches, and chooses Dr. Jerry Falwell's church. She is an athiest, and remains so throughout the book, but nonetheless is changed by her experiences there - she even gets baptized by immersion! She also attends something called a Scaremare, which I had never heard of - a sort of haunted house experience designed to scare you enough into becoming a Christian - yes, I kid you not!

I was wondering how she would get herself out of all this, so it was very interesting to read, and find out the members' reactions to her book.

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