Sunday, July 25, 2010

Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby. ✔✔

Nick Hornby is an English writer, most recognizable to me as the author of About A Boy, which later became a great movie with Hugh Grant. I think he also won the Booker a couple of years ago. This particular novel is about a musician - Juliet, Naked is the name of a CD he released - who fled the business and became a recluse in America. For that reason a kind of cult has grown up about him and Duncan, a real anti-hero, is the online leader of a forum about sightings of Taylor Crowe, the absent musician. Duncan's girlfriend, Annie, is a little more realistic about Crowe's abilities and actually ends up starting an e-mail relationship with Taylor.

This was a mildly interesting book, with a few amusing comments and observations. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone over 40!

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